Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mai wurst dae efur!!!!!

O was the wurst dae of mai leif.  Mai dae was going extremely well until this afternoon when da beans decided I needed a b-a-t-h.   Ai spelled it to protect the sense-a- tiv ears of kittens.  Mai beans were ab-sew-loot-lee e-vul. They trimmed mai claws.  They putted me in the kitsch-en sink and gotted me all wet.  As my claws had been trimmed, I tried to gently put the bitey on them to get them to stop.  Den dey put blu dish dee-tur-gent on me but the de-tut-gent did not de-tur me from tryin' to get away.  It was awful.  They sailed nice things then mean things.  After rinsing me, the put more of sum thing they called sham-poo on me.  It was a sham, all rite.  After soapin' me up and rinsing, the picked me up and put a towl on me a-and called me dere baby.    Then they put me in a trans-porter and had a loud machine blowing warm air in it--supposed to dry me.  Mombean combed me and said how nice and purty I was.   Yeah, right.   They efen tooked photos of me.  They are below.  Shameful beans!  Why?  Oh, yeah.  They said it was fur the cat show.

Some of the stuff they used to b-a-t-h-e me

Poor me.

Get me outa here!

Some of my lovely floof they gotted off me.

This is a way to dry me!

I am handsome, but I did not need a bath to know that.

I'm dis-gus-ted wif yoo!

What do you think?  Am I more handsome?

Teddy's Thursdae Thots- goin' to a cat show!

Hiya,  Mombeam and Blu Cat Man are takin' me to a cat show wif Galletta.  They say it's fun.  I was in one when I was liddle.  Galletta has been in several shows.  Looky what he just gotted.

This show will be in a place called Spartanburg.  It's in South Carolina.  We're going to be in what da beans call the "Parade of Breeds".  Any suggestions on how I should behave?  

Right now, I'm in the d-o-g house 'acause I knocked down a breakable.  Oops.  Sorry, Mombean.

Oh, by the way here are more  photos of a cat show wif Galletta being judged (he's such a ham).

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Teddy's Thursdae Thots

Hai-ya!  It's me, Teddy.

It's amazin' how much our beans liked the noo flor.  We likes it, too as beans can make our bouncy toys bouncy haier and furtherer than before.  We do liek dey do.  Lay on deer nest and look at da floor.  You'd think they hadded nefur seen one.

Galletta looks like he's just layin' and looking out da window doesn't he?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Teddy's Toosdae Thots

Hai, it's me, Teddy!  Toodae, I want to tell yoo about the fun of plaeing on a noo flor.  We hadded a noo floor installed in da beans' sleepy nest (I sleep wherefur I wants.).  G and I think it's keel.  Da balls Blue Cat Man throws go fatherer and higher.  It's fun! Blue Cat Man will share a photo or two when he learns how to get photo from his fone to 'pooter.   It's fun!!  Pease send assistnace to Blue Cat Man.  He says he has Aurthur-itis of da brane.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Teddy's Toosdae Thots

O hai!  I wuld veddy much like to introduce a noo voice to my bloggie,  mai gud friend, Teddy!  Teddy is one of mai gratest frends.  He will be posting on Toosdaes and he will repurrt on whatever seems ap-pro-pee-eight.

Hai, all I'm Teddy.  O-kai, it's Teodor Sascha but anyway......  my mudder is Mews de Kartier and my daddy is Herbie Love Bug, Alexi's son.  Here is a photo of my beee-u- tee-fool self. 

We are having a good time, Galletta and I.  We are grate pals. A pic of us big man cats doing what we luv betstest- chillaxin' on da bean's bed!

Look for more posties from Teddy on Toosdaes efurry week. Until next Toosdae...... purrs and headbumpies to efurryone!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happee Indeepend-ence Dae!

O hai! I so happee that too-dae is Indeepend-ence Dae.  Too-dae, mine beans will put up their new flag.  Mae-be I'll get a treat.  Yay!!!  To-dae is mine furst dae blogging in ages.  I will try to do bedder.  Everybuddy be safe, and beans be sensitive to us who might be scared of big bangy things and lights in da skye.  Be-low is mine plans for da dae.