Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'z weerd

Miles of the Meezertails was tagged talk about his weirdness. Then he invited others to blog about their weirdness. I'z going to talk about mine.

1. I haz dis thing about chasin' ofur cats. I do it 'acauze I luv dem.
2. I haz dis thing about wantin' to gif my beans luv bites. I do it 'accuse I luv them.
3. I haz dis thing about likin' Blu Cat Man's fur on da top o' hiz hed. I do it 'accuse I want to be a fur dresser.
4. I haz dis thing about visitin' furry cat and bean in da house. I also wants to be in da dip-lo-mat-ik cor.
5. I haz dis thing about likin' Blu Cat Man's noze. I do it 'accuse its dere.
6. I haz dis thing about retrieving things thrown. I do it when I wants to. I'm trying to figger owt woofies.
7. I haz dis thing about kneading some pillows on the luv seat. They just feels so good!

I know that's seven but I'z weerd. I tags Cheysuli, Sammy, Alexi, Annie and Billy Sweetfeets.

Those are the six weerd things about me.


  1. Those are things that make you extra-special!

  2. I refuse to be weird. perhaps that is a weird thing...

  3. PS the Woman thought she read your blog regularly but she is stupid and it's not in her reader...


Hai! I luvs comments! Purrs and headbumpies to you!!