Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Teddie's Thots on Toosdae

I haz a sad 'accuse my friend, Galletta haz a major sad.  He'll tell you more abowt it.


I haz a very major sad as I found owt the creator of mai breed, the Nebelung, Cora Cobb, haz crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Mai beans were very fortunate to meet her az wuz I.  She thot I waz a very handsome mancat. Heer is her obituary.


  1. Galletta we are so sorry about the creator of your breed going to the Rainbow Bridge and that you are sad. We saw today was your birthday and hoped you would have a happy one.

  2. Happy Purrrrthday, Galletta. We hope you had a great day, full of cuddles and treaats.


Hai! I luvs comments! Purrs and headbumpies to you!!